Monday, June 5, 2023

Vomiting Pig - What To Do


My Pig Is Vomiting

If your pig has ever thrown up, you know it! The smell is something you will never forget. Thankfully, most cases of a vomiting pig can be taken care of at home.

Examine the vomit and look for anything foreign; plant material, plastic, dog food, carpet, etc. to get an idea as to why your pig might have thrown up. It is not always going to be obvious.

Your pig might vomit for a number of reasons:

Eating or drinking too fast
Obstruction from constipation
Eating something they shouldn't
Car sickness

Lil Bit sticking his tongue out

In most cases a pig will vomit once maybe twice and all is good. Should your pig continue to vomit CALL YOUR VETERINARIAN IMMEDIATELY!

For the pig that has thrown up you want to let the tummy rest. DO NOT give any food or water right away. They should not receive any food for 24 hours. You can offer small amounts (1/4-1/2 cup) of water (room temperature) every 3-4 hours. If they hold down the water you can begin to offer small amounts of bland food (boiled rice, applesauce) or soft pig chow with NO extras. Wait 4 hours before offering more. Continue with the small amounts. As long as there is no vomiting increase the amount over the next couple of days.

If your pig vomits any food or water when reintroduced, you should have your pig examined by a veterinarian immediately.

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